This course is a comprehensive course in Raja Yoga and Meditation.
Beginning with the basics of yoga, it provides simple, yet effective techniques of meditation.
The clear step by step instructions will help you to be focused and calm, to experience the importance of the breath/mind connection, and to create and maintain a sustainable meditation practice
Gradually progressing on from the basics, more advanced meditation techniques are introduced, along with in depth explanations of yoga philosophy.
Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam
Meditation is generally understood to be deep concentration on any subject. Yet meditation is much more than concentration.
There are many, many methods and techniques of meditation. However it is the meditation techniques of yoga that are considered to be the most scientific, and in particular those of Raja yoga.
In yoga, meditation is a process by which the meditator and the object of meditation become one.
Every major religion of the world has both an outer and an inner aspect. The outward aspect concerns ritual worship, doctrine, tradition and social behaviour. The inner aspect is essential in both senses of the word: It contains the essence of the religion.
All religions therefore have a tradition of meditation, of silent contemplation, of going inward to know the Self and the ultimate Truth or Reality that exists beyond all that can be cognized by the five senses.
Swami Hariharananda - Drops of Nectar.
The course covers the "Yoga Sutras" (aphorisms) of Maharishi Patanjali and the systematic approach to yoga that he advocated.This eightfold path of yoga, popularly known as "Ashtanga yoga", is specifically designed for the all-round development of the human personality.
The eight stages of yoga as stated by Patanjali:
1. Yama (universal moral commandments)
2. Niyama (self-purification through discipline)
3. Asana (posture)
4. Pranayama (breath/energy control)
5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind from external objects)
6. Dharana (concentration)
7. Dhyana (meditation)
8. Samadhi (The state of super consciousness)
The course shows how these ancient principles of yoga can be incorporated in to every aspect of life.
Also covered in the course are such topics as:
Affirmations, Postures, Philosophy, Health and Healing, Lifestyle, Diet, Advanced breathing techniques, Routines.
The course consists of 26 sessions of 1 hour each.
The hours are arranged to suit.
Yoga Meditation and Reiki Centre
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