Anadi Anant yoga classes invariably start with asanas, the physical postures that most people associate with yoga.
Classes are taught on a one-to-one basis and the asanas are carefully selected to suit the body constitution according to Ayurveda.
The ability level and specific requirements of the individual student are also taken into account.
The asanas tone, strengthen and give flexibility to the body.
As well as asanas the classes also involve breathing exercises known as Pranayama. The practice of pranayama helps to manipulate our energies.
Most of us breathe incorrectly (only thoracically not using our abdomen, thereby utilizing only half of our lung capacity). Pranayama techniques help to re-educate our breathing process, release tension and develop a relaxed state of mind.
Pranayama balances our nervous system, reduces the need for sleep and encourages creative thinking. It also increases the oxygen supply to the brain, improves mental clarity, alertness and physical wellbeing.
These two stages of Anadi Anant Yoga have many health benefits and for a lot of students this is sufficient.
For those who wish to practice meditation the asanas and pranayama are considered to be necessary preparation, along with the consideration of Yama and Niyama from the eight stages of yoga set down by Patanjali.
Pratyahara and Dharana are also essential steps in the preparation before true meditation can be experienced.This process is a scientific step-by-step approach that leads to the meditative state.
Prospective students of Anadi Anant Yoga first attend a consultation session.
Here the student is assessed according to body type (Ayurvedic constitution), previous experience and knowledge of yoga, flexibility etc. Any specific health issues and requirements of the student are also noted. The consultation takes up to 2 hours and includes one hour of simple yoga exercises.
Classes can be booked individually, or in blocks of 12. All classes are individually prepared and taught on a one-to-one basis
Consultation session (up to 2 hours) - £65.00
1 hour class - £45.00
40 minute class - £40.00
Block booking of 12 x 1 hour classes - £400.00
All classes are taught on a one to one basis and times are therefore arranged to suit.
Anadi Anant offers an authentic Indian tradition of Yoga exercises for physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. This tradition combines stylised poses with deep breathing and meditation. It is a form of Raja Yoga.
Many of the modern Yoga systems taught can be defined primarily in terms of asanas or physical postures. These are usually taught in exercise classes for groups of people seeking physical wellbeing. Yoga teachers are identified as those who conduct asana classes. Some of these Yoga teachers may have knowledge of the greater system of classical yoga, but many do not.
The Yoga tradition of Anadi Anant is a form of Raja yoga based upon the teachings of Maharishi Patanjali, the great Indian sage known as the "Father of Yoga". Patanjali compiled and refined various aspects of yoga systematically in his "Yoga Sutras" or aphorisms. He advocated the eightfold path of yoga, popularly known as "ashtanga yoga", for the all-round development of the human personality.
The eight stages of yoga stated by Patanjali are:
1. Yama (universal moral commandments)
2. Niyama (self-purification through discipline)
3. Asana (posture)
4. Pranayama (breath/energy control)
5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind from external objects)
6. Dharana ( concentration)
7. Dhyana (meditation)
8. Samadhi (state of super consciousness)
As well as the eight stages of yoga there are various forms of yoga such as:
Hatha yoga - the physical form of yoga
Karma yoga - the yoga of action
Bhakti yoga - the yoga of devotion
Jnana yoga - the yoga of knowledge
Raja yoga - Royal yoga, a combination of yoga forms.
Yoga Meditation and Reiki Centre
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Phone 1: +44 (0)1782 208770
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