Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life and the way in which we deal with it varies from person to person.
We do not always realise that we are suffering from stress,
yet it is now believed that
70% of all illness is in some way related, or can be directly attributed to it
Some of the symptoms that can be caused by stress:
Headache, Indigestion, High blood pressure, Muscular tension, Loss of appetite, Ulcers, Constipation, Constant tiredness, Depression,
Mood swings, Anxiety, Lack of concentration ....
"Even short periods of stress may cause changes that leave brain cells hypersensitive for weeks"
- according to a report by Israeli scientists trying to uncover the molecular root of post traumatic stress disorder.
Anadi Anant can help you to relieve tension and reduce stress by using a particular therapy, or a combination of therapies, to relax you and set you on a path to healing.
In many cases a problem can disappear after only one session.
Even if you do not suffer from a particular problem, but just want to unwind after a busy day, we can relax you completely, leaving you feeling uplifted, rejuvenated, and much better than you have felt in a long time.
"Regular head massage helps people work better. Absenteeism through stress would drop immediately if everyone had a head massage at least once a week ..."
Daily Mail
Yoga Meditation and Reiki Centre
The Anadi Anant Shop is now open; but with extra safety restrictions in place due to Covid-19
Please keep checking for updates
Some of our classes are now
available online
Please contact for details
Educational, Uplifting and Inspiring
Online classes now available
3 classes for £120
Please Contact for details
6 Hope Street,
Stoke on Trent, ST1 5BS
Phone 1: +44 (0)1782 208770
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